Tag Archives: sticky note

Reminder about a book I returned to its owner

Reminder note to add this book to my

Reminder note to add this book to my “Books I’ve Read Since Autumn 2005” database.

Jen lent me this book and I kept forgetting to return it to her. Finally as I was on my out the door to head to her place, I remembered the book—but I hadn’t yet recorded it in my database of books read (a fun project I started shortly after I moved back to Canada but which has now spiraled out of control as many f my projects seem to do…). Scribbled the info down and returned the book.

These are wonderful dog poems.

Grocery list from summer 2015

A grocery list from the summer of 2015.

A grocery list from the summer of 2015.

It surprises me that popsicles are on the list but ice cream isn’t. This must have been when the bromate and I discovered the delicious popsicles at the beginning of July and were eating them as if our lives depended on them. Of course it should go without saying that the wraps are whole wheat wraps and not those doughy white ones.