Category Archives: Lists for Writing

List for tracking both music and pictures

List of music groups and of image file names.

List of music groups and of image file names.

This one made me laugh. I was working on two things at once: sorting through pictures for my blogs, and removing duplicates from iTunes. The band names are places where I stopped and wanted to remember where to restart. This was not the most efficient multitasking I’ve ever done, and a lot of the work had to be double-checked (….read: redone…). I wasn’t drinking at the time, but I think I’d slept badly. Same diff.

Notes for an “About” page

Research for an

Research for an “About” page.

When I followed Blogging 101 for my first blog, Barking Back, one of the tasks was creating an About page. I started doing some research to figure out what elements should be included, but I gave up on that and ended up with this.