Tag Archives: Freeshare

Random things to do and remember

Random Task List

Random Task List

Sometimes the lists are group by similar tasks, but this was pretty random: Post on Freeshare (formerly Freecycle but old habits die hard), pick up some bones for the dogs, buy a new dress for my next performance, and check out the Merchant Kitchen restaurant.


More (the same, really) Adult Tasks

More (the same, really) Adult Tasks

More (the same, really) Adult Tasks

Almost task for task the same as this one. Sometimes I think of the tasks at work, sometimes at home… And I write them down every time! Hence the duplicates… Nothing to do with procrastination, at all. Really.

Reminder to deal with a block of frozen meat

Reminder to defrost a huge block of meat.

Reminder to defrost a huge block of meat.

I get people’s old meat for free through Kijiji and Freecycle / Freeshare to feed to my dogs. A guy gave me a big box of elk trim, but it was all frozen into one massive chuck. I upended it in my kitchen sink and chipped away at it bit by bit for almost 24 hours. It ended up filling just over six big ice cream pails. Dogs are happy; cats are jealous!

List of dog-related tasks

List of dog-related tasks.

List of dog-related tasks.

Freecycle some giveaway stuff and ask for people’s freezer-burned meat in return (for dog food).

Defrost some meat for the next few dog meals.

Think about buying kibble for them for when I go to the lake so the dogsitters don’t have to portion out the raw meat. (This item dates the list to the first half of August before I went to the lake. Maybe even the end of July; I sometimes do plan that far ahead!)

Task lists for before new people come over

Before the guests task list II.

Before the guests task list II.

Before the guests task list I.

Before the guests task list I.

A stressful week when the house was a mess and everything was falling apart but I had to host some people to hang out in my kitchen… These are task lists for the week before that hosting. End of July / beginning of August. I usually keep my Freeshare (formerly Freecycle) stuff in a wooden crate in the kitchen, working on the theory that it’ll bug me so much that I’ll get around to giving it away. What actually happens is that I stop seeing it. Instead of freecycling the stuff as per these task lists, I just moved the crate to the living room. It doesn’t bother me there at all, haha!

Things to give away

Stuff to post on Freeshare.

Stuff to post on Freeshare.

Freeshare used to be called Freecycle. I post there every month or so asking for people’s old meat for the dogs (amazing what’s at the bottom of people’s freezers!), and also give away things I no longer need / want. In this batch, I was giving away some books: Finding Water and the first four Game of Thrones books. Also, a little note at the bottom to take a picture of the Brindle Dog’s tire and stick.